
Buddy System

In scouting we always stick to a pair so in emergency events (which rarely happens), you can be safe.  It's also nice to have someone to talk to when walking in the woods or at events where you may be unfamiliar.

Two Deep Leadership

In scouts, we take safety very seriously.  This is why no scout can be alone with an adult that is not their parent or guardian at any scouting activity in any way.  There must be two adults present at every scouting event.  All email and text communications include a parent as well.


In scouting, we train scout right away in the first rank.  By the end of the first 4 ranks, scouts should be able to get back to camp without worry.  We learn how to build fires, use a map and compass, use a pocketknife, tie lashings and knots, and tell right from wrong online.